
Tytuł oryginalny:
Inne tytuły:
prince of the romantics
Adam Zamoyski
Halina Sołdaczukowa ...
Wyd. w latach:
1985 - 2011
Wydane w seriach:
Biografie Sławnych Ludzi
Bibliografie Sławnych Ludzi
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A completely new edition of the definitive biography of Chopin, unavailable for many years, by one of the finest of contemporary European historians. Two centuries have passed since Chopinĺs birth, yet his legacy is all around us today. The quiet revolution he wrought influenced the development of Western music profoundly, and he is still probably the most widely studied and revered composer. For many, he is the object of a cult. Yet most people know little of his life, of the man, his thoughts and his feelings; his public image is a sugary blur of sentimentality and melodrama. Adam Zamoyski cuts through the myths and legends to tell the story of Chopinĺs life, and to reveal all that can be discovered about him as a person. He pays particular attention to recent revelations about the composer's health, and places him within the intellectual and spiritual environment of his day.
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Inne tytuły:prince of the romantics
Autor:Adam Zamoyski
Tłumaczenie:Halina Sołdaczukowa Michał Ronikier
Opracowanie graficzne:Jolanta Barącz
Wydawcy:Harper (2011) Haper Press (2010) Państwowy Instytut Wydawniczy (1985-2010) Wydawnictwo Znak (2002) Świat Książki (1997) HarperCollins Publishers
Serie wydawnicze:Biografie Sławnych Ludzi Bibliografie Sławnych Ludzi
ISBN:83-06-01233-X 83-06-01234-8 83-7129-269-4 978-0-00-734184-9 978-0-00-734185-6 978-83-06-03253-6
Autotagi:biografie druk dyskografie elementy biograficzne historia książki literatura literatura stosowana
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