The moving finger

Agatha Christie (1890-1976) ...
Wyd. w latach:
1951 - 17600
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A BBC Radio 4 full-cast dramatisation starring June Whitfield as Miss Marple. Recuperating from a flying accident, Jerry Burton needs to take a break somewhere peaceful. He and his sister rent a house in the little village of Lymstock, where they know no-one and hope to be able to relax. Their quiet life is shattered, however, by the arrival of an obscene anonymous letter accusing them of impropriety. Jerry refuses to take it seriously and throws it on the fire. But he soon discovers that theirs is by no means the first unpleasant missive: a number of other village residents have been similarly harassed.Suspicion is rife, and matters are brought to a head by the suicide of one of the letters' recipients. With the whole village in a state of shock, the vicar's wife decides to invite down an old friend with considerable experience of the darker side of human nature. Can Miss Marple's arrival in Lymstock cast light on events? And can she discover the culprit before more deaths occur?
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Inne tytuły:Zatrute pióro
Autorzy:Agatha Christie (1890-1976) Joan Hickson (1906-1998)
Lektorzy:June Whitfield Nicholas Boulton Clare Corbett Annebelle Dowler Patricia Scott Sion Probert
Wydawcy:Fontana (17600) HarperCollins Publishers (2002-2016) BBC Audiobooks (2006) Harper Collins Audio Books (2005) Harper (2002) Signet (2000) Collins (1986) Berkley Books (1984) FONTANA Collins (1975) Pan Books Ltd (1951)
Serie wydawnicze:BBC Audio Collins English Readers Miss Marple Miss Marple Mystery Collins English Readers. CEF Level - B2 Collins English Readers. The Agatha Christie Series
ISBN:0-00-2315149 0-00-617269-5 0-330-26852-X 0-425-10569-5 978-0-00-712084-0 978-0-00-745163-0 978-0-00-819654-7 978-0-563-52414-4 978-0-00745163
Autotagi:audiobooki beletrystyka CD dokumenty elektroniczne druk epika książki literatura literatura piękna literatura stosowana nagrania podręczniki powieści proza publikacje dydaktyczne reprodukcje słuchowiska zasoby elektroniczne
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