Focus on events and narratives in language, psychology, social and medical practice

Janusz Badio
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego (2021)
ebookpoint BIBLIO (2021)
dokumenty elektroniczne

The papers in this volume concern events and narratives from a variety of theoretical and practical perspectives. The first and second papers by Janusz Badio deal with fictional dialogue and the use of stereotypical gender roles in the construal of a story. The chapter by Tomasz Dobrogoszcz analyses the story by A.S. Byatt’s “The Djinn in the Nightingale’s Eye”; Hans Giessen looks at the first European Games held in Baku in 2015. Aleksandr N. Kornev and lngrida Balčiūnienė’s present an experimental study into the verbalisations of causal relations. Krzysztof Kosecki expertly discusses the coding of event structure in the language of the deaf; James Moir analyses career choice narratives. Bartosz Stopel’s interesting article explains the role of Turner’s double-scope blending theory for cognition and emotional response to narratives. Jacek Waliński focuses on fictive motion, whereas Paul Wilson’s deals with human affectivity in conflict scenarios. The article by Magdalena Zabielska is a must to read, too. lt provides an analysis of medical records found in medical journals and treats them as a kind of narratives.

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