King Solomon’s Mines

Henry Rider Haggard (1856-1925)
Wyd. w latach:
1994 - 2019
Wydane w seriach:
Longman Picture Classics
Penguin Popular Classics
0582088844, 0-14-062123-7
978-83-8162-395-7, 0-14-06212307
dokumenty elektroniczne
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The story is told first person by Allan Quartermain. Nevil is off to make his fortune by finding King Solomon's lost diamond mines. Allan sends him a 300 year old map to help. This is the last anyone heard from Nevil. Turns out that Nevil is really the estranged brother of Henry Curtis. Sir Henry Curtis now wants to make amends and he with his friend Captain John Good, bribe Allan Quartermain to take them across an endless desert and trough impassible mountains to an adventure that will hold you to the very end. Along with them is their self imposed helper Umbopa who carries a secret of his own.
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Autor:Henry Rider Haggard (1856-1925)
Wydawcy:Ventigo Media (2019) (2019) NASBI (2019) IBUK Libra (2019) Legimi (2019) ebookpoint BIBLIO (2019) Penguin Books (1994) Penguin Books - Penguin Group (1994) Longman Penguin
Serie wydawnicze:Longman Picture Classics Penguin Popular Classics
ISBN:0582088844 0-14-062123-7 978-83-8162-395-7 0-14-06212307
Autotagi:dokumenty elektroniczne druk e-booki epika książki literatura literatura piękna powieści proza zasoby elektroniczne
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