The Origin of Species

Charles Darwin (1809-1882) ...
Wyd. w latach:
1909 - 2018
9783736804760, 0-85229-531-6
978-0-19-283438-6, 978-1-85326-780-2
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The Origin of Species sold out on the day it was published in 1859. Theologians quickly labeled Charles Darwin the most dangerous man in England, and, as the Saturday Review noted, the uproar over the book quickly "passed beyond the bounds of the study and lecture-room into the drawing-room and the public street." Yet, after reading it, Darwin's friend and colleague T. H. Huxley had a different reaction: "How extremely stupid not to have thought of that." Based largely on Darwin's experience as a naturalist while on a five-year voyage aboard H.M.S. Beagle, The Origin of Species set forth a theory of evolution and natural selection that challenged contemporary beliefs about divine providence and the immutability of species. A landmark con- tribution to philosophical and scientific thought, this edition also includes an introductory historical sketch and a glossary Darwin later added to the original text.
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Inne tytuły:Great Books O powstawaniu gatunków The origin of species by means of natural selection The Descent of man and selection in relation to sex
Autorzy:Charles Darwin (1809-1882) Jeff Wallace
Redakcja:Gillian Beer Mortimer Jerome Adler (1902-2001)
Wstęp:Gillian Beer
Wydawcy:BookRix (2018) Legimi (2016-2018) Enhanced Media Publishing (2017) Charles Darwin (2016) Oxford University Press (1998) Wordsworth Editions Limited (1998) Encyclopaedia Britannica (1994) P. F. Collier (1909)
Serie wydawnicze:Wordsworth Classics Of World Literature Great Books of the Western World The Harvard Classics Oxford World's Classics Oxford World's Classics (Oxford University Press)
ISBN:9783736804760 0-85229-531-6 978-0-19-283438-6 978-1-85326-780-2
Autotagi:dokumenty elektroniczne druk e-booki epika książki literatura literatura piękna literatura stosowana powieści publikacje naukowe zasoby elektroniczne
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