Typhoon and Other Stories

Joseph Conrad (1857-1924) ...
Wyd. w latach:
1927 - 2021
Wydane w seriach:
Penguin classics
The heritage of literature series
9780192837875, 9783986475895
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Typhoon and Other Stories Joseph Conrad - In these four stories, written between 1900 and 1902, Joseph Conrad bid gradual farewell to his adventurous life at sea and began to confront the more daunting complexities of life on land in the twentieth century. In 'Typhoon' Conrad reveals, in the steadfast courage of an undemonstrative captain and the imaginative readiness of his young first mate, the differences between instinct and intelligence in a partnership vital to human survival. 'Falk', the companion sea-story, contrasts, as Conrad once put it, 'common sentimentalism with the frank standpoint of a more or less primitive man', a man with a conscience, however, about the girl he desires. In one of the 'land-stories' Conrad explores the utter isolation of an East European emigrant in England; in the other, the plight of a woman ironically trapped by the unwitting alliance of two retired widowers - each blind in his own way.

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Autorzy:Joseph Conrad (1857-1924) Richard Adams J. H. Stape
Wydawcy:Legimi (2021) Phoemixx Classics Ebooks (2021) Penguin Books (1992-2007) Oxford (1998) W. Heinemann (1927) Everyman s Library
Serie wydawnicze:Penguin classics The heritage of literature series
ISBN:9780192837875 9783986475895 978-0-141-44195-5
Autotagi:dokumenty elektroniczne druk e-booki epika książki literatura literatura piękna opowiadania zasoby elektroniczne
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