Killing floor

Lee Child
Wyd. w latach:
1998 - 2022
Wydane w seriach:
Jack Reacher
Introducing Jack Reacher
Penguin Readers
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Killing Floor is the first book in the phenomenal bestselling Jack Reacher series by Lee Child. It introduces Reacher for the first time, as the tough ex-military cop of no fixed abode. Trained to think fast and act faster, he is the perfect action hero for when times get tough. Margrave is a no-account little town in Georgia. Jack Reacher steps off a bus and walks fourteen miles in the rain to reach it, in search of a dead guitar player. But Margrave has just had its first homicide in thirty years. And Reacher is the only stranger in town. He seems the obvious fall guy. As the body count mounts, only one thing is for sure: they picked the wrong guy to frame for murder.
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Autor:Lee Child
Ilustracje:Kevin Hopgood
Wydawcy:Penguin Books (2021-2022) Bantam Books (1999-2011) Bantam Books - Transworld Publishers (2010) Jove Books (1998) Transworld Publishers
Serie wydawnicze:Jack Reacher Introducing Jack Reacher Penguin Readers
ISBN:978-0-241-49314-4 978-0-553-50540-5 978-0-553-82616-6 978-1-5291-7720-6 978-1-529-17721-3
Autotagi:druk epika książki literatura literatura piękna powieści proza
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