From Potter's field

Patricia Daniels Cornwell
Wyd. w latach:
1995 - 2007
Wydane w seriach:
Scarpetta Series
0-425-15409-2, 0-684-19598-4
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Christmas has never been a particularly good time for Dr Kay Scarpetta. Although a holiday for most, the festivities always seem to heighten the alienation felt by society's violent fringe; and that usually means more work for Scarpetta, Virginia's Chief Medical Examiner and consulting forensic pathologist for the FBI. The body was naked, female, and found propped against a fountain in a bleak area of New York's Central Park. Her apparent manner of death points to a modus operandi that is chillingly familar: the gunshot wound to the head, the sections of skin excised from the body, the displayed corpse - all suggest that Temple Brooks Gault, Scarpetta's nemesis, is back at work. Calling on all her reserves of courage and skill, and the able assistance of colleagues Marino and Wesley, Scarpetta must track this most dangerous of killers in pursuit of survival as well as justice - heading inexorably to an electrifying climax amid the dark, menacing labyrinths of the New York subway.
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Autor:Patricia Daniels Cornwell
Wydawcy:Sphere (2007) Warner Books (2000-2001) Berkley Books (1995-1996) Scribner (1995) Little Brown Book Group
Serie wydawnicze:Scarpetta Series
ISBN:0-425-15409-2 0-684-19598-4 978-0-7515-3046-9
Autotagi:druk epika książki literatura literatura piękna powieści proza
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