No second chance

Harlan Coben
Orion Publishing Group (2003-2013)
A Signet Book (2004)
Wydane w seriach:
An Orion Paperback
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No Second Chance is yet another of Harlan Coben's terrifying explorations of the worst of fears--Marc Seidman wakes in hospital after narrowly surviving a shooting in which his wife died and their baby daughter went missing. The handover of a ransom from his rich in-laws goes wrong and Seidman realises that he is not only without wife and daughter--and the sister who may have been an accomplice--but he is also the principal suspect. The reader knows even more than Seidman just how much jeopardy he is in--Coben does a brilliantly disturbing job of introducing us to a pair of psychotics who are in charge of the ransom plot and who plan to take Seidman and his in-laws for another ride into insecurity and hell. Marc turns to the one person he thinks can help him--the ex-girlfriend who still has a place in his heart and used to be a senior Federal agent. The problem is that Rachel comes with baggage, and enemies, all of her own...
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Inne tytuły:Jedyna szansa [książka w j. ang.]
Autor:Harlan Coben
Wydawcy:Orion Publishing Group (2003-2013) A Signet Book (2004)
Serie wydawnicze:An Orion Paperback
ISBN:0-425-10145-2 0-75285-256-6 0-75285-257-4 978-0-7528-4280-6 978-1-4091-1709-4
Autotagi:druk epika książki literatura literatura piękna powieści proza
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