Memoirs of a Geisha

Arthur Golden ...
Wyd. w latach:
1997 - 2007
Wydane w seriach:
Level 6
Penguin Readers
Vintage Contemporaries
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A seductive and evocative epic on an intimate scale, that tells the extraordinary story of a geisha girl. Summoning up more than twenty years of Japan's most dramatic history, it uncovers a hidden world of eroticism and enchantment, exploitation and degradation. From a small fishing village in 1929, the tale moves to the glamorous and decadent heart of Kyoto in the 1930s, where a young peasant girl is sold as servant and apprentice to a renowned geisha house. She tells her story many years later from the Waldorf Astoria in New York; it exquisitely evokes another culture, a different time and the details of an extraordinary way of life. It conjures up the perfection and the ugliness of life behind rice-paper screens, where young girls learn the arts of geisha - dancing and singing, how to wind the kimono, how to walk and pour tea, and how to beguile the most powerful men.
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Inne tytuły:Wyznania gejszy a novel
Autorzy:Arthur Golden Michael Dean
Autor oryginału:Arthur Golden
Adaptacja:Michael Dean
oraz:Michael Dean
Wydawcy:Vintage Books (1998-2007) Pearson Education Limited (2001) Pearson Education (2000) Penguin Books (2000) Catto Windus (1997) Random House
Serie wydawnicze:Level 6 Penguin Readers Vintage Contemporaries
ISBN:0-09-928285-2 0-09-977151-9 0-7011-6674-6 1-4000-9689-8 978-0-099-49818-6 978-0-307-27516-5 978-0-582-42127-1
Autotagi:beletrystyka druk epika książki literatura literatura piękna powieści proza
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