The Iliad

Wyd. w latach:
1995 - 2019
9783961897834, 0-19-283405-3
1-85326-242-0, 978-83-8176-815-3
dokumenty elektroniczne
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War, glory, despair, and mourning: for 2,700 years, the Iliad has gripped listeners and readers with the story of Achilles' anger and Hector's death. It is a tale of many truths, speaking of powerful emotions, the failures of leadership, the destructive power of beauty, the quest for fame, the plight of women, and the cold callous laughter of the gods. Above all, it confronts us with war in all its brutality -and with fleeting images of peace, lovingly drawn, images which punctuate the poem as distant memories, startling comparisons, and doomed aspirations. Anthony Verity's elegant and compelling new translation mirrors the directness, power, and dignity of Homer's poetry. Verity captures as well the essential features of oral poetry, such as repeated phrases and scenes, without sounding mannered or archaic, and his remarkably accurate verse hews closely to the original line numbers, which is invaluable for readers wishing to consult the secondary literature. Barbara Graziosi, an authority on Homeric poetry, offers a full introduction that illuminates the composition of the poem, its literary qualities, and the many different contexts in which it was performed and read. In addition, extensive notes offer book-by-book summaries and shed light on difficult words and passages, mythological allusions, references to ancient practices, and geographical names. An annotated bibliography offers a succinct guide to further scholarship in English; a full index of names enables the reader to trace particular characters through the text; and two maps elucidate the Catalogue of Ships and the Catalogue of the Trojans.
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Inne tytuły:The Odyssey
Tłumaczenie:Robert D. Fitzgerald Samuel Butler George Chapman
Przedmowa:Adam Roberts
Opracowanie:G. S. Kirk (1921-2003)
Wydawcy:Ventigo Media (2019) (2019) NASBI (2019) IBUK Libra (2019) ebookpoint BIBLIO (2019) Legimi (2014-2019) David De Angelis (2017) Enhanced Media Publishing (2017) Qasim Idrees (2017) Sheba Blake Publishing (2017) Homer (2016) Interactive Media (2014) Wordsworth Classics (2003) Oxford University Press (1998) University Press (1998) Wordsworth Editions (1995)
Serie wydawnicze:Oxford World`s Classics Wordsworth Classics Great Books of the Western World Great Books of the Western World - Publisher William Benton Oxford World's Classics (Oxford University Press)
ISBN:9783961897834 0-19-283405-3 1-85326-242-0 978-83-8176-815-3
Autotagi:beletrystyka dokumenty elektroniczne druk e-booki historia książki liryka literatura literatura piękna poezja zasoby elektroniczne
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