English for the Humanities:

Teacher's Resource Book

Kristin L. Johannsen
Thomson (2006-2007)
Wydane w seriach:
Professional English
978-1-4130-2052-6, 978-1-4240-0014-2
publikacje dydaktyczne

1. Philosophy; 1.1. Are you going to be a philosopher; 1.2. First day of class; 1.3. In my opinion; 1.4. Too much to do; 1.5. The philosophy; of right and wrong; 1.6. If we go ahead with plan; 2. Language; 2.1. I don't have much experience; 2.2. Can you tell me a little about yourself; 2.3. Can you do a translation; 2.4. Linking languages; 2.5. We need the translation tomorrow; 2.6. A report on our services; 3. Art; 3.1. We help artists sell their work; 3.2. Getting the facts; 3.3. I'm not so sure about that; 3.4. Keeping traditional arts alive; 3.5. Our objective in this meeting; 3.6. What should we do to help our country's artists; 4. History; 4.1. Preserving the past; 4.2. Life wasn't easy; 4.3. I'd be glad to; 4.4. At home in 1250 A.D.; 4.5. They must have been really uncomfortable; 4.6. Messages from the past; 5. Social Science; 5.1. A very interesting question; 5.2. I'm very happy to be here; 5.3. Gathering information; 5.4. How good are our schools; 5.5. How is your research going; 5.6. The results of our survey show. [JR]
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