The Prince and the Pauper

Mark Twain (1835-1910) ...
Wyd. w latach:
1929 - 2017
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Tom Canty is a poor boy in the London slums. His birth only brings more poverty to his already dirt poor family. Edward VI is the long awaited heir to the English throne. They are born on the same day and look so alike they cant believe it. They exchange clothes and Edward VI ends up being thrown out of the palace by guards who think he is the poor boy he looks to be. Both boys have difficulty fitting into the others lives. After many adventures, matters are set right again, with one of the boys resuming his rightful, royal position and the other boy accepting a position that recognizes his innate intelligence and good heartedness.The bulk of the books is the mad life of the poor boy during which Edward VI learns how many of his subjects live. He resolves to change things if he can get back to the palace and be restored to his rightful place.

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Inne tytuły:Królewicz i żebrak The Prince and Pauper [Książka obocojęzyczna]
Autorzy:Mark Twain (1835-1910) Jane Rollason Andy Hopkins Jocelyn Potter
Adaptacja:Jane Rollason Shirley Bogart Maria Olchowicz
Opracowanie:R. Roebbelen
Autor oryginału:Mark Twain (1835-1910)
Ilustracje:Brendan Lynch
Przedmowa:R.L. Fisher
oraz:D.K. Swan Michael West
Wydawcy:Ventigo Media (2017) ebookpoint BIBLIO (2017) Baronet Books (2009) Pearson Education Limited (2000-2008) Bantam Classic (2007) Penguin Books (2000) Longman (1994) Wordsworth (1994) Parragon (1994) Puffin Books (1983-1994) Aerie Books Ltd (1988) Minster Classics (1968) Państwowe Zakłady Wydawnictw Szkolnych (1964-1968) Collier Books (1962) Velhagen Klasing (1929) Harper Brothers Publishers
Serie wydawnicze:Penguin Readers Longman Classics Puffin Classics Stage 2 Children's Classics Great Illustrated Classics Penguin Readers. Elementary Velhagen & Klasings Sammlung Französischer und Englischer Schulausgaben Velhagen & Klasings Sammlung Französischer und Englischer Schulausgaben. English Autors
ISBN:9788381151955 0-14-035017-9 0-14-036749-7 0-582-42179-9 0-582-52284-6 0-86611-973-6 1-85326-147-5 1-85813-760-8 978-0-553-21256-3 978-1-4058-4290-7 978-1-4058-7866-1 978-1-58678-104-0
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