No Name

Wilkie Collins (1824-1889)
Virginia Blain
Wyd. w latach:
1998 - 2022
Wydane w seriach:
Oxford World's Classics
Oxford World's Classics - Oxford University Press
9783849658236, 9783963762666
978-0-19-283388-4, 978-83-8292-647-7
dokumenty elektroniczne
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Magdalen Vanstone and her sister Norah learn the true meaning of social stigma in Victorian England only after the traumatic discovery that their dearly loved parents, whose sudden deaths have left them orphans, were not married at the time of their birth. Disinherited by law and brutally ousted from Combe-Raven, the idyllic country estate which has been their peaceful home since childhood, the two young women are left to fend for themselves. While the submissive Norah follows a path of duty and hardship as a governess, her high-spirited and rebellious younger sister has made other decisions. Determined to regain her rightful inheritance at any cost, Magdalen uses her unconventional beauty and dramatic talent in recklessly pursuing her revenge. Aided by the audacious swindler Captain Wragge, she braves a series of trials leading up to the climactic test: can she trade herself in marriage to the man she loathes? Written in the early 1860s, between The Woman in White and The Moonstone, No Name was rejected as immoral by critics of its time, but is today regarded as a novel of outstanding social insight, showing Collins at the height of his powers.
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Autor:Wilkie Collins (1824-1889)
Redakcja:Virginia Blain
oraz:Virginia Blain
Wydawcy:Books on Demand (2022) IBUK Libra (2022) (2022) Ventigo Media (2022) ebookpoint BIBLIO (2022) Legimi (2013-2022) Jazzybee Verlag (2020) Aeterna Classics (2018) anamsaleem (2018) Wilkie Collins (2016) Interactive Media (2013) Oxford University Press (1998-1999)
Serie wydawnicze:Oxford World's Classics Oxford World's Classics - Oxford University Press
ISBN:9783849658236 9783963762666 978-0-19-283388-4 978-83-8292-647-7
Autotagi:bibliografie dokumenty elektroniczne druk e-booki epika książki literatura literatura piękna literatura stosowana powieści proza zasoby elektroniczne
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