The Woman in White

Wilkie Collins (1824-1889)
Wyd. w latach:
1985 - 2085
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This extraordinary work ranks among the foremost purely melodramatic or sensation novels of modern times. Mr. Collins has thrown a force and power into this story, of which the reader has only seen intimations in his former works. After opening the narrative with a cheerful sketch of Professor Pesea, an Italian Refugee, combining in his small person all the pleasant traits of his nation, the author at once begins his work, and in a few sentences throws a weird and mystic glow over the story, which we feel to deepen and extend, until the disclosure of the plot by the discovery of the register and subsequent death of Sir Percival Glyde. This effort is all the more remarkable when we examine the simplicity of the means employed, which consist of a series of Runic repetitions so strongly exemplified in Edgar Poe's compositions. The misfortune which must attach to all novels of the terrific school, is, that the termination of necessity explains that which the imagination has been before allowed to dwell upon, and a feeling of disappointment must succeed the denouement however horrible that may be. This, Mr. Collins has avoided as far as practicable, in withdrawing the attention of the reader from the éclaircissement, by relating a tremendous interview, tremendous from the self-control exercised by both parties, between Hartright and Count Fosca, a villain of entirely new stamp, except in his fondness for pets, in which he resembles, if we remember correctly, one of the Council of Three who, while condemning thousands to the guillotine, would fondle his cat with feminine tenderness. But we will not spoil the plot, plain yet complex, elaborate but not confused. What we can do, however, is to advise those who enjoy the stronger forms of light literature, to lose no time in reading this most interesting novel.

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Autor:Wilkie Collins (1824-1889)
Wstęp:Scott Brewster Jonathan Sutherland
Redakcja:Andy Hopkins Jocelyn Potter Joc Potter
Adaptacja:Anne Collins
Opracowanie:Jonathan Sutherland Anne Collins
Lektorzy:Nigel Anthony Susan Jameson
oraz:Wilkie Collins (1824-1889) John Sutherland
Wydawcy:Wordsworth Editions (2008-2085) Pocket Classic (2022) Legimi (2017-2022) Phoemixx Classics Ebooks (2021) Jazzybee Verlag (2020) Aeterna Classics (2018) Sheba Blake Publishing (2017) Pearson Education Limited (2008) Oxford University Press (1998-2008) Penguin Books (1994-2003) Encyclopaedia Britannica (1999) New American Library (1985)
Serie wydawnicze:Oxford World's Classics Penguin Popular Classics Pearson English Readers. Level 6 Penguin Readers. Level 6 Tales of Mystery & The Supernatural Oxford World's Classics (Oxford University Press) Penguin Readers
ISBN:019283388X 9780141804590 9782380375664 9783849658229 9783961899746 9783985942909 0-451-51904-3 978-0-14-062024-5 978-0-19-283429-4 978-0-19-953563-7 978-1-4058-8276-7 978-1-4082-7131-5 978-1-4082-7440-8 978-1-84022-084-1
Autotagi:audiobooki beletrystyka CD dokumenty elektroniczne druk e-booki epika języki obce książki literatura literatura piękna literatura stosowana nagrania opowiadania podręczniki powieści proza publikacje dydaktyczne zasoby elektroniczne zbiory opowiadań
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