Until I Find You:

a novel

John Irving
Black Swan Books (2005-2006)
Ballantine Books (2005-2006)
Random House (2005)
Transworld Publishers
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Until I Find You is the story of the actor Jack Burns – his life, loves, celebrity and astonishing search for the truth about his parents. When he is four years old, Jack travels with his mother Alice, a tattoo artist, to several North Sea ports in search of his father, William Burns. From Copenhagen to Amsterdam, William, a brilliant church organist and profligate womanizer, is always a step ahead – has always just departed in a wave of scandal, with a new tattoo somewhere on his body from a local master or “scratcher.” Alice and Jack abandon their quest, and Jack is educated at schools in Canada and New England – including, tellingly, a girls’ school in Toronto. His real education consists of his relationships with older women – from Emma Oastler, who initiates him into erotic life, to the girls of St. Hilda’s, with whom he first appears on stage, to the abusive Mrs. Machado, whom he first meets when sent to learn wrestling at a local gym.
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Inne tytuły:a novel
Autor:John Irving
Lektor:Arthur Morey
Wydawcy:Black Swan Books (2005-2006) Ballantine Books (2005-2006) Random House (2005) Transworld Publishers
ISBN:9781400063833 0-345-47972-6 0-345-49230-7 0-7393-2029-7 978-0-552-15338-6 978-0-552-77312-6
Autotagi:audiobooki beletrystyka CD druk epika książki literatura literatura piękna nagrania powieści proza
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