The Pelican Brief

John Grisham ...
Wyd. w latach:
1992 - 2010
Wydane w seriach:
Penguin Readers
Penguin Readers. Level 5
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The next day America learns that two of its Supreme Court justices have been assassinated. And in New Orleans, a young law student prepares a legal brief ... To Darby Shaw it was no more than a legal shot in the dark, a brilliant guess. To the Washington establishment it was political dynamite. Suddenly Darby is witness to a murder-a murder intended for her. Going underground, she finds there is only one person she can trust-an ambitious reporter after a newsbreak hotter than Watergate-to help her piece together the deadly puzzle. Somewhere between the bayous of Louisiana and the White House's inner sanctums, a violent cover-up is being engineered. For someone has read Darby's brief. Someone who will stop at nothing to destroy the evidence of an unthinkable crime.
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Inne tytuły:A Time to Kill
Autorzy:John Grisham Robin Waterfield
Autor oryginału:John Grisham
Adaptacja:Robin Waterfield
oraz:Robin Waterfield Andy Hopkins Jocelyn Potter
Wydawcy:Arrow Books (1992-2010) Pearson Education Limited (1995-2008) Dell Book (2003) Penguin Readers (1999) Longman (1998) Cresset Editions (1994) Island Books (1993) Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group (1993) Bantam Books Penguin Books
Serie wydawnicze:Penguin Readers Penguin Readers. Level 5
ISBN:0-440-21404-1 0-582-41796-1 0-7529-0427-2 978-0-09-953716-8 978-0-099-99380-3 978-1-4058-8248-4
Autotagi:druk epika książki literatura literatura piękna literatura stosowana opowiadania podręczniki powieści proza
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