
Walter Scott (1771-1832) ...
Wyd. w latach:
1862 - 2021
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Ivanhoe, the son of a Saxon nobleman, returns to England from the Crusades. Prince John is Regent in the absence of his brother, King Richard the Lionhearted who is imprisoned in Austria. Saxons have not accepted their Norman conquerors and there is much animosity between them. Ivanhoe arrives at court just as a jousting tournament begins and bests the three Norman noblemen who have agreed to take on all comers. Ivanhoe is seriously injured however and is cared for by Isaac of York and his beautiful daughter Rebecca. They are taken prisoner however, along with Ivanhoe’s father Cedric and his ward Rowena, by the three knights Ivanhoe bested in the tournament. With the assistance of Robin Hood, the mysterious Black Knight attacks the castle of Front-de-Boeuf where the captives are being held. It’s left to Ivanhoe to rescue to rescue Rebecca however when she is accused of being a witch.

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Inne tytuły:powrót krzyżowca a romance
Autorzy:Walter Scott (1771-1832) Wlter Scott ScottW. Teresa Tatarkiewiczowa Graham Tulloch Włodzimierz Lewik M. Lix
Wstęp:Ian Duncan
Reżyseria:Warwick Gilbert
Adaptacja:Britt-Katrin Keson
Opracowanie:David Blair Agnieszka Ślusarczyk Marta Stęplewska
Kompozytor:Mark Isaacs
Ilustracje:Cosimo Musio
oraz:Britt-Katrin Keson Marie-Francoise Perat Studio County Beth Williamson
Wydawcy:Phoemixx Classics Ebooks (2021) Legimi (2017-2021) KtoCzyta.pl (2015-2019) anna ruggieri (2018) GIANLUCA (2017) Maria (2017) Ventigo Media (2016) NASBI (2016) ebookpoint BIBLIO (2016) IBUK Libra (2015) Cass Film Entertainment (2007) Hachette Livre Polska (1996-2007) Imbir (2006) Mediasat Poland (2004) Zielona Sowa (2003) Wordsworth Editions (2000) Penguin Books (1994-2000) Oxford University Press (1998) Aschehoug Alinea (1995) Wordsworth Classics (1995) Bantam Books (1988) Nasza Księgarnia (1978-1984) Modern Promotions (1982) Scholastic Book Services (1968) E. P. Dutton and Company (1965) The New American Library of World Literature (1962) Washington Square Press (1962) Adam and Charles Black (1862-1901) Peter Haddock Publishing J. M. Dent Sons Wilga
Serie wydawnicze:Penguin Popular Classics Wordsworth Classics Oxford World's Classics (A Signet Classic) (Everyman's Library Biblioteka Kuriera Porannego Klub Wielkiej Przygody Na Szlaku Wielkiej Przygody Najpiękniejsze Powieści dla Kobiet Penguin classics Priory Classics Waverley Novels Oxford World's Classics (Oxford University Press) kolekcja Hachette
ISBN:0140436588 9783985949380 0-553-21326-1 0-7105-0175-7 83-10-08136-7 83-60334-02-1 83-7389-052-1 83-89651-20-3 978-0-140-62050-4 978-0-192-83499-7 978-1-85326-202-9 978-83-7448-971-3 978-83-7903-185-6 978-87-23-90133-0 0-14-06050-8
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