
Danielle Steel
Wyd. w latach:
1986 - 2005
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At 21 Annabelle Driscoll was the acknowledged beauty, but it was her sister Audrey - four years older - who had the spine and spirit. She had talent - a lot of talent - as a photographer; she had the restless urge of a born wanderer. Inevitably it was Annabelle who was the first to marry, leaving Audrey to wonder if life were passing her by. Sometimes she would dream of a man like fer father, someone with adventure in his soul and exotic places in his heart. The men she met in California were dull. Even in New York they failed to spark her. Only when she took ship for Europe aboard the "Mauretania" did she begin to mingle with her own kind. Only when she boarded the Orient Express did she realise she was beginning a journey that would take her farther than she had ever dreamed possible... deep into China, Tibet, the magic of Orient and later North Africa and Europe. Her life was never be the same again. [Notatka z okładki].
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Inne tytuły:Żądza przygód
Autor:Danielle Steel
Wydawcy:Time Warner Books (1996-2005) Time Warner Paperback (2002) Michael Joseph (1986-1996) Dell Book (1987) Delacorte Press (1986) Sphere Books (1986) Grand Central Publishing
ISBN:0-385-29463-8 0-440-19361-3 0-7181-2717-X 0-7221-8307-0 0-7515-0563-3 0-440-19631-3
Autotagi:beletrystyka druk epika książki literatura literatura piękna powieści proza
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