The Warden

Anthony Trollope (1815-1882)
Wyd. w latach:
1859 - 2017
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The Warden centers on Mr. Harding, a clergyman of great personal integrity who is nevertheless in possession of an income from a charity far in excess of the sum devoted to the purposes of the foundation. On discovering this, young John Bold turns his reforming zeal to exposing what he regards as an abuse of privilege, despite the fact that he is in love with Mr. Harding's daughter Eleanor. It was a highly topical novel (a case regarding the misapplication of church funds was the scandalous subject of contemporary debate), but like other great Victorian novelists, Trollope uses the specific case to explore and illuminate the universal complexities of human motivation and social morality.
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Autor:Anthony Trollope (1815-1882)
Ilustracje:Edward Ardizzone (1900-1979)
Wstęp:David Skilton
Adaptacja:J. Y. K. Kerr
Opracowanie:David Skilton
Redakcja:Derek Strange
Przedmowa:David Skilton
oraz:David Skilton Robin Gilmour Hugh Osborne Barbara Dennis
Wydawcy:Musaicum Books (2017) Legimi (2015-2017) Anthony Trollope (2016) Interactive Media (2015) Oxford University Press (1989-1998) Penguin Books Limited (1945-1995) J. M. Dent (1994) Wordsworth Classics (1994) BBC (1991) Everyman s Library (1991) The Zodiac Press (1967) B. Tauchnitz (1859)
Serie wydawnicze:Penguin Popular Classics The World's Classics Oxford World's Classics Penguin Classics Text $ Notes The Cronicles of Barsetshire Two Books in One! Collection of British Authors World's Classics
ISBN:0-14-043214-0 0-19-283408-8 0-460-87416-0 1-85326-087-8 978-0-140-62031-3 978-0-192-81506-4
Autotagi:beletrystyka druk epika książki literatura literatura piękna powieści proza
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