The Scarlet Letter
Autor: | Nathaniel Hawthorne (1804-1864) |
Wyd. w latach: | 1946 - 2023 |
Autotagi: | |
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Wypożycz w bibliotece
Inne tytuły: | Szkarłatna litera |
Autor: | Nathaniel Hawthorne (1804-1864) |
Adaptacja: | Chris Rice John Escott |
Opracowanie: | Chris Rice Andy Hopkins Joc Potter Jocelyn Potter |
Wstęp: | Carl Van Doren |
Ilustracje: | Nell Booker Thomas Sperling Andrew Wheatcroft |
Wydawcy: | Librofilio (2023) Legimi (2012-2023) Strelbytskyy Multimedia Publishing (2022) Books on Demand (2018-2022) FilRougeViceversa (2021) Markus Brenner Irma Spehar and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team (2021) Alma Classics (2021) Ale. Mar (2020) (2019) Ventigo Media (2019) IBUK Libra (2019) NASBI (2019) ebookpoint BIBLIO (2019) BookRix (2018) Kore Enterprises (2018) Qasim Idrees (2018) Youcanprint (2018) epf (2018) Sheba Blake Publishing (2017-2018) BertaBooks (2017) E-BOOKARAMA (2017) GIANLUCA (2017) Enhanced Media Publishing (2016) LVL Editions (2016) Re-Image Publishing (2016) Passerino Editore (2015) Nathaniel Hawthorne (2014) Kitabu (2014) Jazzybee Verlag (2013) Interactive Media (2012) Pearson Education (2008) Oxford University Press (2008) Penguin Books (1994-2008) Bantam Books (1986-2003) Modern Library (2000) Dover Publications INC (1994) Pa Kangaroo Book (1977) Fine Editions Press (1946) Alma Books |
Serie wydawnicze: | Penguin Popular Classics Penguin Readers Penguin Classics The Modern Library classics A Bantam Classic 170143 Penguin Readers. Elementary Penguin Readers. Level 2 |
ISBN: | 2200000161543 9782322462186 9782384613304 9783736802728 9783849640941 9783936137255 9783961898732 9783985513208 9783986777975 0-14-039019-7 0-553-21009-2 0-671-48845-7 0-691-09612-0 978-0-14-062080-1 978-0-14-062354-3 978-0-19-479153-3 978-0-19-479183-0 978-1-4058-5534-1 978-1-4058-7872-2 978-1-4082-7721-8 978-1-84749-421-4 978-83-8200-215-7 0-14-06280-X |
Autotagi: | audiobooki beletrystyka dokumenty elektroniczne druk e-booki epika książki literatura literatura faktu literatura piękna literatura stosowana nagrania podręczniki powieści proza zasoby elektroniczne |
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