The Interpretation of Dreams

Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) ...
Joyce Crick ...
Ritchie Robertson
Freudian Press (2018)
Legimi (2018)
Oxford University Press (1999)
Wordsworth Editions Limited (1997)
Wydane w seriach:
Oxford World's Classics
Wordsworth Classics od World Literature
Oxford World's Classics (Oxford University Press)
0-19-210049-1, 0-19-282352-3
literatura stosowana
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This groundbreaking new translation of The Interpretation of Dreams is the first to be based on the original text published in November 1899. It restores Freud's original argument, unmodified by revisions he made following the book's critical reception which included, under the influence of his associate Wilhelm Stekel, the theory of dream symbolism. Reading the first edition reveals Freud's original emphasis on the use of words in dreams and on the difficulty of deciphering them and Joyce Crick captures with far greater immediacy and accuracy than previous translations by Strachey's Freud's emphasis and terminology. An accessible introduction by Ritchie Robertson summarizes and comments on Freud's argument and relates it to his early work. Close annotation explains Freud's many autobiographical, literary and historical allusions and makes this the first edition to present Freud's early work in its full intellectual and cultural context.
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Inne tytuły:Objaśnienie marzeń sennych
Autorzy:Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) Sigmunt Freud
Tłumaczenie:Joyce Crick Abraham Arden Brill (1874-1948)
Opracowanie:Ritchie Robertson
Wstęp:Ritchie Robertson Stephen Wilson
Wydawcy:Freudian Press (2018) Legimi (2018) Oxford University Press (1999) Wordsworth Editions Limited (1997)
Serie wydawnicze:Oxford World's Classics Wordsworth Classics od World Literature Oxford World's Classics (Oxford University Press)
ISBN:0-19-210049-1 0-19-282352-3 978-1-85326-484-9
Autotagi:druk książki literatura literatura stosowana publikacje naukowe publikacje popularnonaukowe
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