The English - speaking world

Enrica Caimi
Jane Dolman
La Spiga languages (2000)
literatura stosowana
Źródło opisu: Centrum Doskonalenia Nauczycieli Publiczna Biblioteka Pedagogiczna w Koninie - Katalog księgozbioru

W skiążce zawarto zagadnienia życia społecznego anglojęzycznych państw. Cwiczenia i testy przy rozdziałach. Spis treści: The English-Speaking World - The United Kingdom - England - Scotland - Wales - Northern Ireland - London - History of Britain - British Institutions - Margareth Thatcher - British Literature - Education in Britain - Transport in Britain - British Mass Media - Traditional British Food - British Music - British Sports - Ireland - Irish Literature - The United States of America - The Northeast and the Great Lakes Regions - New York City - Washington D.C. - The Midwest and the Interior West - The Southwest and the South - The Pacific Coast Alaska and Hawaii - American History - Institutions in the U.S.A. - Literature in the U.S.A. - Education in the U.S.A. - Mass Media in the U.S.A. - New Products - Festivities and Traditions in the U.S.A. - Food in the U.S.A. - Music in the U.S.A. - Sport in the U.S.A. - Immigration and the Melting Pot - Race Discrimination in the U.S.A. - The American Indians - AIDS - Women - WWF - Canada - Australia - Hong Kong - The United Nations.
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