The French lieutenant's woman

John Fowles (1926-2005)
Wyd. w latach:
1969 - 2007
Wydane w seriach:
Vintage Classics
Vintage Future Classics
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Of all John Fowles’ novels "The French Lieutenant’s Woman" received the most universal acclaim and today holds a very special place in the canon of post-war English literature. From the god-like stance of the nineteenth-century novelist that he both assumes and gently mocks, to the last detail of dress, idiom and manners, his book is an immaculate recreation of Victorian England. Not only is it the epic love story of two people of insight and imagination seeking escape from the cant and tyranny of their age, "The French Lieutenant’s Woman" is also a brilliantly sustained allegory of the decline of the twentieth-century passion for freedom.
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Autor:John Fowles (1926-2005)
Lektor:Samantha Shelley
Wydawcy:Vintage Books (1996-2007) Pan Books (1987) Jonathan Cape (1969-1985) Triad Panther Books (1983-1984) Granada Publishing (1983) Triad Granada (1981) Signet Book (1970-1981) Little Brown and Company (1969) BBC Audiobooks America Random House
Serie wydawnicze:Vintage Classics Vintage Future Classics
ISBN:0-09-973761-2 0-09-974591-7 0-224-61654-4 0-451-16375-3 0-586-03403-X 0-7540-5465-9 978-0-0994-7833-1 978-0-099-49707-3
Autotagi:audiobooki beletrystyka CD dokumenty elektroniczne druk epika książki literatura literatura piękna nagrania powieści proza zasoby elektroniczne
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