Teaching the Spoken Language:
an approach based on the analysis of conversational English
Inne tytuły: | Teaching the Spoken Language: An Approach based on the analysis of conwersational English |
Autorzy: | Gillian Brown George Yule |
Wydawca: | Cambridge University Press (1983-1999) |
Wydane w seriach: | Cambridge Language Teaching Library |
ISBN: | 0-521-25377-2, 0-521-27384-6 |
Autotagi: | |
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Inne tytuły: | Teaching the Spoken Language: An Approach based on the analysis of conwersational English an approach based on the analysis of conversational English |
Autorzy: | Gillian Brown George Yule |
Wydawca: | Cambridge University Press (1983-1999) |
Serie wydawnicze: | Cambridge Language Teaching Library |
ISBN: | 0-521-25377-2 0-521-27384-6 |
Autotagi: | druk |
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