The Free Fishers

John Buchan
Wyd. w latach:
1982 - 2019
9780857905017, 978-83-8115-747-6
dokumenty elektroniczne
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Set during the Napoleonic Wars, „The Free Fishers” is classic Buchan and his last historical novel. It’s a fast-paced tale of treason, espionage and romance. Anthony Lammas, a professor at the St. Andrews University, finds himself involved in a web of intrigue that threatens the whole country. A conspiracy to betray England’s defences to Napoleonic agents is discovered by Lammas, a young professor who sets out to save his former students appearing to be in grave danger. You’ll smile at the story and the old-fashioned dialogue at times but thoroughly enjoy the pace of the story, the straightforwardness of the characters – villains, heroes – and the dramatic varierty of their experiences. As a historian and a novelist he lovingly creates the reality of the time interwined with the intrigue and motives of the characters that make up this excellent novel.

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Autor:John Buchan (2017-2019) Legimi (2012-2019) Ventigo Media (2017) IBUK Libra (2017) NASBI (2017) ebookpoint BIBLIO (2017) Interactive Media (2014) Polygon (2012) Severn House (1982)
ISBN:9780857905017 978-83-8115-747-6
Autotagi:dokumenty elektroniczne druk e-booki literatura zasoby elektroniczne
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