Journey to the Centre of the Earth

Tytuł oryginalny:
Voyage au centre de la Terre
Jules Verne (1828-1905)
Wyd. w latach:
1959 - 2020
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Journey to the Interior of the Earth is a classic science fiction novel by Jules Verne. The story involves German professor Otto Lidenbrock who believes there are volcanic tubes going toward the centre of the Earth. He, his nephew Axel, and their guide Hans descend into the Icelandic volcano Snæfellsjökull, encountering many adventures, including prehistoric animals and natural hazards, before eventually coming to the surface again in southern Italy, at the Stromboli volcano. The story begins in the Lidenbrock house in Hamburg, Germany, with Professor Lidenbrock rushing home to peruse his latest purchase, an original runic manuscript of an Icelandic saga written by Snorri Sturluson ("Heimskringla"; the chronicle of the Norwegian kings who ruled over Iceland). While looking through the book, Lidenbrock and his nephew Axel find a coded note written in runic script. (This is a first indication of Verne's love for cryptology. Coded, cryptic or incomplete messages as a plot device will continue to appear in many of his works and in each case Verne goes a long way to explain not only the code used but also the mechanisms used to retrieve the original text.) Lidenbrock and Axel transliterate the runic characters into Latin letters, revealing a message written in a seemingly bizarre code. Lidenbrock attempts a decipherment, deducing the message to be a kind of transposition cipher; but his results are as meaningless as the original. Professor Lidenbrock decides to lock everyone in the house and force himself and the others (Axel, and the maid, Martha) to go without food until he cracks the code. Axel discovers the answer when fanning himself with the deciphered text: Lidenbrock's decipherment was correct, and only needs to be read backwards to reveal sentences written in rough Latin. Axel decides to keep the secret hidden from Professor Lidenbrock, afraid of what the Professor might do with the knowledge, but after two days without food he cannot stand the hunger and reveals the secret to his uncle. Lidenbrock translates the note, which is revealed to be a medieval note written by the (fictional) Icelandic alchemist Arne Saknussemm, who claims to have discovered a passage to the center of the Earth via Snæfell in Iceland.

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Inne tytuły:Podróż do wnętrza Ziemi z podręcznym słownikiem angielsko-polskim
Autor:Jules Verne (1828-1905)
Zdjęcia:John Stokes
Reżyseria:George Miller
Kompozytor:Bruce Rowland
Lektorzy:Treat Williams (1951-2023) Jeremy London Tushka Bergen Joel MacCormack Stephen Critchlow Gudmundur Thorvaldsson Nicola Ferguson Ireneusz Machnicki Elizabeth Bennett
Scenariusz:Thomas Baum
Adaptacja:Virginia Evans Pauline Francis Moya O`Shea Kathleen Olmstead Howard J. Schwach Jenny Dooley Jennifer Gascoigne
Opracowanie:Elizabeth Gray
Tłumacz:Bartosz Trzeciak
Redakcja:Joanna Barańska Sandra Ogińska
Ilustracje:Paolo D'Altan Eric Freeberg
oraz:William Butcher
Wydawcy:Ventigo Media (2020) NASBI (2020) (2020) IBUK Libra (2020) ebookpoint BIBLIO (2020) Legimi (2012-2020) BookRix (2019) epubli (2018) E-BOOKARAMA (2018) Sheba Blake Publishing (2017) Enhanced Media Publishing (2017) Qasim Idrees (2017) Penguin Random House (2017) Ze Słownikiem (2017) Jules verne (2014-2016) Paperless (2015) Jazzybee Verlag (2014) Interactive Media (2012) Wordsworth Editions Limited (2012) Black Cat (2011) Sterling Children s Books (2011) Express Publishing (2005-2010) Oxford University Press (2006) GM Records (1999) Media Service (1999) Penguin Books (1994) Baronet Books (1990) Permabooks (1959) Peter Haddock Publishing BBC Worldwide Wydawnictwo
Serie wydawnicze:Oxford World's Classics Penguin Popular Classics Priory Classics Ze Słownikiem. Literature & Fiction Ze słownikiem (seria)
ISBN:9781785295911 9783736804333 9783746746302 9783849645649 9783962557973 0-14-062139-3 978-0-14062-425-0 978-0-19-283675-5 978-1-4027-7313-6 978-1-84216-390-0 978-1-84558-609-6 978-83-65646-28-6 978-83-8217-149-5 978-88-530-1094-0 978853262876
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