Person-centred practice in nursing and health care:

theory and practice

Brendan McCormack
Wiley Blackwell (2017)
Źródło opisu: Biblioteka Akademii Bialskiej im. Jana Pawła II - Katalog księgozbioru

Person-centred Practice in Nursing and Health Care is a comprehensive and practical resource for all nurses and healthcare practitioners who want to develop person-centred ways of working. This second edition which builds on the original text Person Centred Nursing, has been significantly revised and expanded to provide a timely and topical exploration of an important subject which underpins all nursing and healthcare, edited by internationally renowned experts in the field. Person-centred Practice in Nursing and Health Care looks at the importance of person-centred practice (PCP) from a variety of practice, strategic, and policy angles, exploring how the principles of PCP underpin a variety of perspectives, including within leadership and in the curriculum. The book explores not only a range of methodologies, but also covers a variety of different healthcare settings and contexts, including working within mental health services, acute care, nursing homes, the community, and working with children and people with disabilities.
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