Never let me go

Tytuł oryginalny:
Never Let Me Go
Kazuo Ishiguro
Wyd. w latach:
2005 - 2022
Wydane w seriach:
#Line Bilingva
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What made Samar abandon everything he had --an Engineering degree and a drop dead gorgeous girlfriend - and flee to Goa instead to start life afresh? On being kicked by life, harder than he could ever imagine, Samar had three options. He could look life in the eye and fight back. He could succumb and do something that would haunt him forever. Or he could flee, to a place where there were no traces of the blow he had received. So Goa it was. In search of solace, perhaps, by working in a small shack at an unknown beach. Dealing with the local police, resurrecting a dying shack, and managing rowdy parties, risking having his bones and jaw-line broken, does Samar get what he was seeking? A ride full of adventure, twists and thrills, the story of the twenty first year of Samar's life will definitely take your breath away. Źródło:
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Inne tytuły:Ne otpuskaj menâ Nie opuszczaj mnie
Autor:Kazuo Ishiguro
Tłumacz:L. Motylev
Wydawcy:Èksmo (2022) Vintage Books (2005-2010) Wolters-Noordhoff (2008) Vintage International (2006) Faber and Faber (2005-2006) Random House
Serie wydawnicze:#Line Bilingva
ISBN:0-307-27647-3 0-571-22412-1 978-0-307-74099-1 978-0-571-22413-5 978-0-571-22414-2 978-0-571-25809-3 978-0-571-27213-6 978-1-444-72428-8 978-5-04-173104-5
Autotagi:beletrystyka druk epika książki literatura literatura piękna powieści proza
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