
James Joyce (1882-1941) ...
Wyd. w latach:
1967 - 2012
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The publication of James Joyce's Dubliners in 1914 was the result of ten years battling with publishers, resisting their demands to remove swear words, real place names and much else. Although only twenty-four when he signed his first publishing contract for the book, Joyce already knew its worth: to alter it in any way would "retard the course of civilization in Ireland." Joyce's aim was to tell the truth - to create a work of art that would reflect life in Ireland at the turn of the last century and by rejecting euphemism, to reveal to the Irish their unromantic reality, which would lead to the spiritual liberation of the country. Each of the fifteen stories offers glimpses into the lives of ordinary Dubliners - a death, an encounter, an opportunity not taken, a memory rekindled - and collectively they paint a portrait of a nation. This edition is introduced and annotated by Jeri Johnson, who gives a witty and informative insight into the context, meanings, and reception of Joyce's work.
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Inne tytuły:Dublińczycy
Autorzy:James Joyce (1882-1941) Gerard McSorley Joc Potter Robert Scholes Andy Hopkins Robin Jacques
Opracowanie:Janet Borsbey Ruth Swan
Redakcja:Jeri Johnson
Ilustracje:Martina Merlini Piers Sandford
Przedmowa:Terence Brown
oraz:Peter Harness
Wydawcy:ELI (2012) CRW Publishing (2005) Oxford University Press (1998-2000) Penguin Books (1975-1996) Penguin Audiobooks (1994) Wordsworth Editions Limited (1993) Penguin English (1993) Dover Publications (1991) Everyman Publishers (1991) Cape (1967) Penguin Random House
Serie wydawnicze:Penguin Popular Classics Wordsworth Classics A Penguin Modern Classics Collector's Library Everyman's Library Oxford World's Classics - Oxford University Press Simply Stories Young Adult Eli Readers Young Adult Eli Readers. Stage 4 (1800 Headwords)
ISBN:0-14-018554-2 0-14-081393-4 0-486-26870-5 1-85715-049-X 978-0-14062-217-1 978-0-14062-344-4 978-0-19-283999-2 978-1-85326-048-3 978-1-904919-53-7 978-88-536-0798-0
Autotagi:audiobooki beletrystyka bibliografie druk epika książki literatura literatura piękna literatura stosowana nagrania opowiadania podręczniki powieści proza publikacje dydaktyczne zbiory opowiadań
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