Comparative monitoring of alcohol epidemiology across the EU:

baseline assessment and suggestions for future action. Synthesis report

Jacek Moskalewicz
Jacek Moskalewicz
Wyd. w latach:
2016 - 2016
publikacje fachowe
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This document will present results achieved by WP4 which was led by the Polish governmental agency PARPA (The State Agency for the Prevention of Alcohol-Related Problems) and co-led by the German IFT (Institute for Therapy Research). WP4 had two objectives: ● providing a baseline for comparative assessment and monitoring of alcohol epidemiology, including drinking levels and patterns and alcohol related harms across the EU ● strengthening capacity in comparative alcohol survey methodology and increasing interest in using common methodology in the future. Two tasks to achieve the objectives were adopted ● task 1 - a common alcohol survey methodology to be elaborated and implemented using as blueprint the survey instrument developed and tested for cross-cultural applicability in EU-funded project SMART ● task 2 - data from surveys carried out in the years 2008–2013 to be pooled and recoded for comparative assessment.
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Autor:Jacek Moskalewicz
Redakcja:Jacek Moskalewicz
Wydawcy:PARPA - The State Agency for Prevention of Alcohol Related Problems (2016) The state Agnecy for Prevention of Alcohol related Problems (2016) Jacek Moskalewicz Robin Room Betsy Thom
Autotagi:druk książki literatura literatura stosowana publikacje fachowe
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