The New A-Z of ELT:

a dictionary of terms and concepts

Scott Thornbury
Macmillan Education (2017)
Wydane w seriach:
Macmillan Books for Teachers
Źródło opisu: Biblioteka Akademii Bialskiej im. Jana Pawła II - Katalog księgozbioru

The New A-Z of ELT is a practical and informative guide which is indispensible to teachers and teacher trainers of all levels of experience. The new edition been revised and restructured to take recent developments in language teaching into account and is a fully cross-referenced, alphabetical guide to ELT that defines and explains essential language teaching concepts and terminology from fields including grammar, linguistics, discourse analysis, digital pedagogies and phonology. The entries provide summaries of the major issues in ELT as well as their practical implications, and are clear, concise and readable. New teachers can check the meanings of new terms whilst experienced teachers will gain a more wide-ranging understanding of topics of interest. The guide covers all the key used in English Language Teachinf, including explanations of common acronyms. Describes language teaching techniques, methods and theories as well as ways of teaching common language points. Provides cross references to interrelated concepts and suggestions for further reading.
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