Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

Lewis Carroll (1832-1898)
Nilesh Mistry ...
Wyd. w latach:
1967 - 2009
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Brand New. This is a BBC Radio 4 full-cast dramatization starring Roy Hudd, Sarah-Jane Holm and David Bamber. These audio editions, especially dramatized for BBC Radio, are of timeless stories that have enchanted generations of readers both young and old. The wonder and excitement of these much-loved tales live on in these acclaimed full-cast dramatizations, complete with evocative music and sound effects. When Alice sees the white rabbit run by, it occurs to her that she's never seen a rabbit with a watch before. Burning with curiosity, she jumps up and follows him into a rabbit-hole. Then she falls down a long way. She is down into the world of the Mad Hatter and the March Hare, the Duchess, the Cheshire Cat and the Mock Turtle. She is down into Wonderland, where an ordinary little girl can have the most extraordinary adventures.
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Inne tytuły:Through the Looking-Glass
Autor:Lewis Carroll (1832-1898)
Ilustracje:Nilesh Mistry John Tenniel (1820-1914)
Adaptacja:Jennifer Bassett Gaia Ierace
Wstęp:Tan Anthony Lin
Opracowanie:Scotia Victoria Girloy
oraz:Jennifer Bassett
Wydawcy:Oxford University Press (1997-2009) Penguin Books Ltd (1994-2008) BBC Audiobooks (2006) Barnes Noble Books (2005) Mediasat Poland Bis (2003-2004) Cideb (1997) Wordsworth Editions (1993) Puffin Books (1990) Holland Enterprises Limited (1988) Progress Publishers (1967)
Serie wydawnicze:Super Classics Stage 2 Oxford Bookworms Oxford Children's Classics Peguin Red Classics The Children's golden Library Wordsworth Classics Beginner Czytamy w oryginale Czytamy w oryginale - Mediasat Poland Bis Exam Exam Preparation Green Series KET (A2) Oxford Bookworms Library PET (B1) Reading and Training
ISBN:0-19-422723-5 1-85038-156-9 1-85326-203-X 83-89652-02-1 84-9789-056-6 88-7754-299-3 978-0-14102-355-7 978-0-141-80833-8 978-0-19-272813-5 978-0-19-422964-7 978-0-19-479051-2 978-1-846-07116-X
Autotagi:audiobooki beletrystyka CD dokumenty elektroniczne druk epika fantastyka książki literatura literatura piękna literatura stosowana MP3 nagrania powieści proza publikacje dydaktyczne zasoby elektroniczne
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