Out of Africa

Karen Blixen (1885-1962)
Wyd. w latach:
1937 - 2004
Wydane w seriach:
Penguin Classics
Penguin Modern Classics
Vintage international
0-14-008533-5, 0-14-028261-0
0-394-74211-7, 978-0141-18333-6
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In 1914 Karen Blixen arrived in Kenya with her husband to run a coffee farm. Instantly drawn to the land, she spent her happiest years there until the plantation failed. Karen Blixen was forced to return to Denmark in 1931 and it was there that she wrote this classic account of her experiences. A poignant farewell to her beloved farm, Out of Africa describes her strong friendships with the people of her area, her affection for the landscape and animals, and great love for the adventurer Denys Finch-Hatton. Written with astonishing clarity and an unsentimental intelligence, Out of Africa portrays a way of life that has disappeared for ever.
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Inne tytuły:Shadows on the grass
Autor:Karen Blixen (1885-1962)
Zdjęcia:David Watkin (1925-2008)
Reżyseria:Sydney Pollack (1934-2008)
Kompozytor:John Barry (1933-2011)
Montaż:Frederic Steinkamp (1928-2002)
Lektorzy:Robert Redford Meryl Streep Klaus Maria Brandauer
Scenariusz:Kurt Leudtke
Adaptacja:Solveig Odland
Ilustracje:Solveig Odland
Wydawcy:Aschehoug (2004) Egmont (2004) Penguin Books (1937-2004) Vintage Books - Random House (1985-1989) Putnam Company (1978) TiM Film Studio
Serie wydawnicze:Literature Penguin Classics Penguin Modern Classics Vintage international
ISBN:0-14-008533-5 0-14-028261-0 0-394-74211-7 978-0141-18333-6
Autotagi:autobiografie biografie druk elementy biograficzne epika książki literatura literatura faktu, eseje, publicystyka literatura piękna powieści proza
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