Just So Stories
Autor: | |
Przedmowa: | Lisa Lewis |
Wyd. w latach: | 1949 - 2021 |
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Inne tytuły: | Beginning of the Armadilloes, The Crab that Played with the Sea, The Cat that Walked by Himself, The Elephant's Child, The How the First Letter was Written ing-Song of Old Man Kangaroo, The How the Camel got his Hump How the Rhinoceros got his Skin How the Whale got his Throat How the Alphabet was Made How the Leopard got his Spots Butterfly that Stamped, The for little children |
Autorzy: | Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936) Geoffrey Palmer |
Przedmowa: | Lisa Lewis |
Wydawcy: | Phoemixx Classics Ebooks (2021) Legimi (2013-2021) Ventigo Media (2019) NASBI (2019) KtoCzyta.pl (2019) IBUK Libra (2019) ebookpoint BIBLIO (2019) libreka classics (2019) Kipling Press (2018) Qasim Idrees (2018) Sheba Blake Publishing (2017) BertaBooks (2017) Jovian Press (2017) Lulu.com (2017) Rudyard Kipling (2017) LVL Editions (2016) Interactive Media (2013) Puffin Books (2004) Naxos AudioBooks Ltd (2002) Oxford University Press (1998) Wordsworth Editions (1993-1996) Penguin Books (1994) BBC Enterprises (1990) Piper Books (1988) Lodestar Books (1968) Magnum Easy Eye Books (1968) Izdatiel stwo Proswieszczenije (1964) Macmillan and Company (1962) The Albatross (1949) British Library Cataloguing |
Serie wydawnicze: | Penguin Popular Classics Wordsworth Classics Oxford World's Classics The Albatross Modern Continental Library Wordsworth Children's Classics Classic Literature with Classical Music Junior Classics Minster Classics |
ISBN: | 9781537822549 9783742926791 9783961893560 9783985948703 9789626342503 0-14-036702-0 0-14-062113-X 0-19-586299-6 0-330-24258-X 1-85326-102-5 978-0-19-283436-2 978-83-8200-221-8 |
Autotagi: | beletrystyka dokumenty elektroniczne druk e-booki epika fantastyka książki literatura literatura piękna opowiadania powieści proza zasoby elektroniczne zbiory opowiadań |
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