The Jungle Book

Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936) ...
Wyd. w latach:
1989 - 2022
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"The Jungle Book" (1894) is a collection of stories by English author Rudyard Kipling. The stories were first published in magazines in 1893–94. The original publications contain illustrations, some by Rudyard's father, John Lockwood Kipling. Kipling was born in India and spent the first six years of his childhood there. After about ten years in England, he went back to India and worked there for about six-and-a-half years. These stories were written when Kipling lived in Vermont. There is evidence that it was written for his daughter Josephine, who died in 1899 aged six, after a rare first edition of the book with a poignant handwritten note by the author to his young daughter was discovered at the National Trust's Wimpole Hall in Cambridgeshire in 2010. The tales in the book (and also those in "The Second Jungle Book" which followed in 1895, and which includes five further stories about Mowgli) are fables, using animals in an anthropomorphic manner to give moral lessons. The verses of "The Law of the Jungle", for example, lay down rules for the safety of individuals, families and communities. Kipling put in them nearly everything he knew or "heard or dreamed about the Indian jungle." Other readers have interpreted the work as allegories of the politics and society of the time. The best-known of them are the three stories revolving around the adventures of an abandoned "man cub" Mowgli who is raised by wolves in the Indian jungle. The most famous of the other stories are probably "Rikki-Tikki-Tavi", the story of a heroic mongoose, and "Toomai of the Elephants", the tale of a young elephant-handler. As with much of Kipling's work, each of the stories is preceded by a piece of verse, and succeeded by another. "The Jungle Book", because of its moral tone, came to be used as a motivational book by the Cub Scouts, a junior element of the Scouting movement. This use of the book's universe was approved by Kipling after a direct petition of Robert Baden-Powell, founder of the Scouting movement, who had originally asked for the author's permission for the use of the "Memory Game" from "Kim" in his scheme to develop the morale and fitness of working-class youths in cities. Akela, the head wolf in "The Jungle Book", has become a senior figure in the movement, the name being traditionally adopted by the leader of each Cub Scout pack.

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Inne tytuły:How Fear Came Red Dog Kaa's Hunting Tiger! Tiger! The King's Ankus Letting in the Jungle Mowgli's Brothers The Spring Running adaptacja w wersji angielsko-polskiej z podręcznym słownikiem angielsko-polskim Księga dżungli
Autorzy:Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936) Peter Moran Lisa Church
Adaptacja:Peter Moran Ralph Mowat Jennifer Adams Rob Lloyd Jones Malvina G. Vogel Ewa Wolańska Adam Wolański
Redakcja:Joanna Barańska Sandra Ogińska Jennifer Bassett
Ilustracje:Per Lllum Siobhan Russell Małgorzata Flis Lucy Corvino Edward Detmold (1883-1957) Alan Langford Maurice Detmold (1883-1908) Artur Gulewicz Shahar Kober Alison Oliver Yuzuru Takasaki Kanako Damerum John Lockwood Kipling (1837-1911) Dariusz Miroński William Henry Drake
Tłumaczenie:Ralph Mowat Marcin Klag Jerzy Chyb
Opracowanie:Brett Thomas Paulette Moller
oraz:Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936) Per Lllum Brett Thomas W. W. Robson Pablo Marcos Studios
Wydawcy:Gibbs Smith (2022) Usborne Publishing (2019) libreka classics (2019) Legimi (2013-2019) epubli (2018) BookRix (2018) E-BOOKARAMA (2018) Mauro Liistro Editore (2017) Sheba Blake Publishing (2017) David De Angelis (2017) Midwest Journal Press (2017) RK Publishing (2017) Rudyard Kipling (2017) Youcanprint (2017) ze słownikiem (2016) Books on Demand (2016) Re-Image Publishing (2016) Paperless (2015-2016) Passerino Editore (2015) Infilaindiana Edizioni (2014) Interactive Media (2013) Sterling Children s Books (2008) Oxford University Press (1997-2008) KOG (2004) Geddes Grosset (2004) Great Reads (2004) BARONET BOOKS (2004) FELBERG SJA (2003) MDS Books (2003) Penguin Books (1994-2000) Aschehough A S (1995) Puffin Books (1994) Children s Classics (1994) Grolier Books (1993) Longman (1991) PAPERMAC (1989) Philipp Reclam jun (1989) Wydawnictwo Wordsworth Editions Limited Vintage Aschehoug Dilithium Press Felberg Grupa Global Metro Lektorklett Wydawnictwo Zielona Sowa
Serie wydawnicze:Easy Classics English Classics Library Penguin Popular Classics ze Słownikiem (seria) Czytamy w Oryginale Classic Starts Felberg Young English Readers Green Series Literatura w języku angielskim Longman Classics Oxford Children`s Classics Oxford World's Classics The Usborne Advent Bookshelf Universal-Bibliothek Vintage Classics Library Wordsworth Classics Collector's Editions Czytamy w Oryginale - Global Metro Penguin Readers TYTUŁ W JĘZYKU POLSKIM The Collector's Library of Famous Editions
ISBN:0140366865 9783736801646 9783742902085 9783746745329 9783839180747 9783958496965 9783961646036 9783961897919 0-14-062104-0 0-19-283503-3 0-19-422746-4 0-333-51288-X 0-517-67902-7 0-582-03587-2 0-7172-8336-4 0-86611-988-4 1-40370-984-X 1-85326-119-X 3-15-009244-2 83-89702-05-3 83-89702-20-7 87-11-09006-5 87-23-90134-9 978-0-19-272002-3 978-0-19-478987-5 978-0-19-479064-2 978-1-4027-4576-8 978-1-78487-464-3 978-1-84022-783-3 978-1-84205-403-1 978-83-63035-94-5 978-83-65646-07-1 978-83-66285-30-9 0-14-062104
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