in the railway system

Inne tytuły:
Rolling Stock
Train Architectures, Comfort, Mechanical Structures, Guiding Elements
Instytucje sprawcze:
European Union Agency for Railways
International Union of Railways
International Association of Public Transport
European Rail Industry
Éric Fontanel
Reinhard Christeller
PMC Media House GmbH (2020)
publikacje fachowe
publikacje naukowe
Źródło opisu: Biblioteczne Ośrodki Informacji - PKP Polskie Linie Kolejowe S.A. - księgozbiór
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"Rolling stock in the railway system" is a technical book in three volumes intended for industry professionals as well as railway enthusiasts. The work was written by engineers from several major European companies and of seven different nationalities. It takes stock of the modern techniques applied to rolling stock, while placing it within a rapidly evolving railway system, following the opening of the European borders. The second volume describes in its first chapter (chapter 6) the technical characteristics and architectures of trains, depending on the transport service delivered (tramways, metros, suburban, regional, intercity and high speed, freight), a specific section being dedicated to industrial design. The following chapter 7 is dedicated to on-board “mechanical” sub-systems (comfort and related internal arrangements, structures, guiding systems and coupling), specific sections being dedicated to passive safety.
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Inne tytuły:Rolling Stock Train Architectures, Comfort, Mechanical Structures, Guiding Elements Rolling Stock Vol.2
Instytucje sprawcze:European Union Agency for Railways International Union of Railways International Association of Public Transport European Rail Industry
Redakcja:Éric Fontanel Reinhard Christeller
Wydawca:PMC Media House GmbH (2020)
Autotagi:druk książki literatura literatura stosowana publikacje fachowe publikacje naukowe
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