The Volunteer:

One Man, an Underground Army, and the Secret Mission to Destroy Auschwitz

Jack Fairweather
WH Allen (2019)
978-0-753-54516-4, 978-0-753-54517-1
Źródło opisu: Biblioteka Publiczna im. Juliana Ursyna Niemcewicza w Dzielnicy Ursynów m. st. Warszawy - Katalog księgozbioru

What is life without struggle? Everyone knows it’s impossible to float through life on a fluffy pillow of happiness; it just isn’t like that. As Alan Coren once said, ‘To have a grievance is to have a purpose in life.’ Hear hear! This book is for those who look at life from a different angle, not wearing rose-tinted glasses with their glass half full, but for life’s realists: the folk who believe one should never go to bed angry … much better to stay awake and plot your revenge. In New Year, Same You you’ll find lots of laugh-out-loud humour to brighten your day (or not). Filled with words from the wise, this is the perfect book for grumps everywhere, after all, why make one person unhappy when, with a little more thought and effort, you could spread misery to the entire family?
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