Camino winds

John Grisham
Wyd. w latach:
2020 - 2021
Wydane w seriach:
Camino Island
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Welcome back to Camino Island, where anything can happen—even a murder in the midst of a hurricane, which might prove to be the perfect crime . . . Just as Bruce Cable’s Bay Books is preparing for the return of bestselling author Mercer Mann, Hurricane Leo veers from its predicted course and heads straight for the island. Florida’s governor orders a mandatory evacuation, and most residents board up their houses and flee to the mainland, but Bruce decides to stay and ride out the storm. The hurricane is devastating: homes and condos are leveled, hotels and storefronts ruined, streets flooded, and a dozen people lose their lives. One of the apparent victims is Nelson Kerr, a friend of Bruce’s and an author of thrillers. But the nature of Nelson’s injuries suggests that the storm wasn’t the cause of his death: He has suffered several suspicious blows to the head. Who would want Nelson dead? The local police are overwhelmed in the aftermath of the storm and ill equipped to handle the case. Bruce begins to wonder if the shady characters in Nelson’s novels might be more real than fictional. And somewhere on Nelson’s computer is the manuscript of his new novel. Could the key to the case be right there—in black and white? As Bruce starts to investigate, what he discovers between the lines is more shocking than any of Nelson’s plot twists—and far more dangerous.
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Inne tytuły:Wichry Camino Wyspa Camino
Autor:John Grisham
Wydawcy:Bantam Books (2021) Hodder and Stoughton (2020-2021) Dell Books (2020-2021) Dell Publishing Company Hachette
Serie wydawnicze:Camino Island
ISBN:978-1-52934246-8 978-0-385-54594-5 978-0-593-15778-7 978-1-529-31023-8 978-1-529-34245-1 978-1-529-34249-9 978-83-8215-493-1
Autotagi:beletrystyka druk epika książki literatura literatura piękna powieści proza
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