San Andreas

Alistair MacLean (1922-1987) ...
Anna Kraśko
Wyd. w latach:
1985 - 2009
Wydane w seriach:
Utwory Zebrane
83-11-07909-9, 83-7157-415-0
83-85103-38-4, 978-0-00-617026-6
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Veteran adventure and suspense writer MacLean returns to sea in his latest effort, which is set aboard the British hospital ship San Andreas en route from Halifax to Aberdeen during World War II. The first sign of trouble on board occurs when the ship's lights fail just before dawn. Then the vessel comes under a bombing attack that severely damages its superstructure and sinks its escort frigate. Bo's'n Archie McKinnon must take charge of the damaged ship and steer it to safety despite German aircraft, submarines, and sabotage. He must also learn the reason for German interest in the San Andreas.
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Autorzy:Alistair MacLean (1922-1987) Anna Kraśko Ian Stuart (1922-1987)
Redakcja:Anna Kraśko
Tłumacz:Anna Kraśko
Wydawcy:Harper (2009) Wydaw. DA CAPO (2001) Agencja Praw Autorskich i Wydawnictwo Interart (1993) Wydawnictwo Bellona (1991) Ballantine Books (1986) Fawcett Crest (1986) Fontana Books (1985)
Serie wydawnicze:Utwory Zebrane
ISBN:83-11-07909-9 83-7157-415-0 83-85103-38-4 978-0-00-617026-6
Autotagi:druk epika książki literatura literatura piękna powieści proza
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