Toksičnij ìnfoprostìr

Inne tytuły:
âk zberegti âsnìstʹ mislennâ ì svobodu dìï
як зберегти ясність мислення і свободу дії
Georgij Georgievič Počepcov
Vidavnictvo Vivat (2022)
Wydane w seriach:
Ìstorìâ ta polìtika
publikacje popularnonaukowe
Źródło opisu: Biblioteka Pedagogiczna w Tarnowie - Katalog zbiorów

At home and at work, we struggle every day in the powerful flow of information flowing from social networks, sites, news portals. It is extremely rare to question the facts we consume in the infospace. And it is becoming more and more toxic: fakes, propaganda, words taken out of context poison. It's time to filter the information we absorb. This book will be for a gas mask. To all who will have the courage to admit: our minds are ruled by distorting the facts with falsified evidence. Anyone who is interested in how the mechanisms of creating fakes work, where we have a fondness for fabricated sensations and what are the benefits for those in power. Modern man has almost no choice but to live or not live in three spaces at once: physical, informational and virtual. And so far someone uncontrollably reproduces fakes, and someone rakes up the consequences in the real world, we are able to maintain clarity of thought and freedom of action!
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