A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

James Joyce (1882-1941)
Wyd. w latach:
1956 - 2018
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A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man is the first novel of Irish writer James Joyce. A Künstlerroman in a modernist style, it traces the intellectual and religio-philosophical awakening of young Stephen Dedalus, a fictional alter ego of Joyce and an allusion to Daedalus, the consummate craftsman of Greek mythology. Stephen questions and rebels against the Catholic and Irish conventions under which he has grown, and culminates with his self-exile from Ireland in Europe. The work uses techniques that Joyce developed more fully in Ulysses. The early youth of Stephen Dedalus is recounted at a vocabulary level of Stephen's own as he grows, in a voice not his own but sensitive to his feelings. The reader experiences Stephen's fears and bewilderment as he comes to terms with the world in a series of disjointed episodes. Stephen attends school at Jesuit-run Clongowes Wood College, where the apprehensive, intellectually gifted boy suffers the ridicule of his classmates while he learns the schoolboy codes of behaviour. While he cannot grasp their significance, at a Christmas dinner he is witness to the social, political, and religious tensions in Ireland involving Charles Stewart Parnell that drives bitter wedges between members of his family, leaving Stephen with doubts over which social institutions he can place his faith in.[16] Back at Clongowes, word spreads that a number of older boys have been caught "smugging"; discipline is tightened, and the Jesuits increase use of corporal punishment. Stephen is strapped when one of his instructors believes he has broken his glasses to avoid studying; prodded by his classmates, Stephen works up the courage to complain to the rector Father Conmee, who assures him there will be no such recurrence, leaving Stephen with a sense of triumph.

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Inne tytuły:Portret artysty z czasów młodości
Autor:James Joyce (1882-1941)
Ilustracje:Robin Jacques (1920-1995)
Wstęp:Jacqueline Belanger Jeri Johnson
Opracowanie:Seamus Deane
oraz:Jim Norton
Wydawcy:BookRix (2018) Dead Dodo Publishing Limited (2018) Perennial Press (2018) Legimi (2011-2018) Ventigo Media (2017) Jovian Press (2017) KtoCzyta.pl (2017) NASBI (2017) Enhanced Media Publishing (2017) IBUK Libra (2017) Musaicum Books (2017) Sheba Blake Publishing (2017) ebookpoint BIBLIO (2017) James Joyce (2016) Interactive Media (2011) Oxford University Press (2000-2002) Wordsworth Editions Limited (1992-2001) Penguin Books Ltd (1975-1996) CIDEB EDITRICE (1995) Naxos AudioBooks (1995) Triad Paladin Book (1988-1989) The Viking Press (1956-1964)
Serie wydawnicze:Wordsworth Classics Compass Books Oxford World's Classics Penguin Modern Classics Penguin Popular Classics Penguin Twentieth-Century Classics Reading Classics
ISBN:9626340703 9781531299736 9783736801745 9788075839220 9788877542335 0-14-018553-4 0-19-283998-5 0-586-08786-9 1-85326-006-1 0-14-00-1477-2 978-0-14-062230-0 978-83-8115-323-2 019283998
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