Moll Flanders

Daniel Defoe
Wyd. w latach:
1955 - 1998
Wydane w seriach:
Penguin Popular Classics
0-14-062025-7, 1-85326-073-8
978-0-19-283403-4, 0-1404531309
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Moll Flanders recounts the story of her extraordinary life, from her birth in Newgate prison to her declining years in married prosperity. After being seduced in the home of her adoptive family she lives off her wits and her beauty, as a whore, 'five times a Wife', and a thief, and is eventually transported to Virginia for her crimes. Rich and penitent, Moll reflects on a world that is both good and evil, just as the reader both abhors and admires her. Arguably the first English novel, Moll Flanders is also a romance, its heroine in perpetual search for a lost familial paradise.
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Inne tytuły:The fortunes and misfortunes of the famous Moll Flanders
Autor:Daniel Defoe
Ilustracje:John Alan Maxwell
Redakcja:G. A. Starr
Wydawcy:Oxford University Press (1998) Penguin Books (1989-1994) Everyman s Library (1991) Guild Publishing (1980) Minster Classics (1968) The New American Library (1964) Pan Books (1959) Pocket Books (1957) Czytelnik (1955) Modern Fiction Penguin Random House Wordsworth Classics
Serie wydawnicze:Penguin Popular Classics
ISBN:0-14-062025-7 1-85326-073-8 978-0-19-283403-4 0-1404531309
Autotagi:bibliografie druk epika książki literatura literatura piękna literatura stosowana powieści proza
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