Henry V

William Shakespeare (1564-1616)
O'Connor John
Wyd. w latach:
1963 - 2009
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The stories come originally from the highly successful gift collection The Orchard Book of Shakespeare Stories. Also included are useful notes on the themes within the stories and a background to the Globe theatre. Andrew Matthews's vibrant and accessible retellings, coupled with expressive and funny illustrations by Tony Ross, provide an introduction to this important part of our cultural heritage in the most enjoyable way. Perfect for school use as the National Curriculum specifies that two Shakespeare stories are studied as part of English Literary Heritage KS3 and 4. Also optional at KS2. The notes highlighting themes in the specific stories will help to focus discussions.
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Inne tytuły:The ELT Graphic Novel A Shakespear Story
Autorzy:William Shakespeare (1564-1616) O'Connor John
Ilustracje:Tony Ross
Adaptacja:Andrew Matthews Brigit Viney
Wydawcy:Heinle (2009) Orchard Books (2003) Longman (1963-2000) Wordsworth Editions (1994) Penguin Books (1968-1994)
Serie wydawnicze:Penguin Popular Classics Classical Comics New Swan Series Wordsworth Classics Wordsworth Classics - Wordsworth Editions
ISBN:9780582527232 0-14-062135-0 0-14-070708-5 1-85326-088-6 978-1-4240-2875-7 978-1-84121-342-2
Autotagi:beletrystyka druk epika komiksy książki literatura literatura piękna proza
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