Marcel and the Mona Lisa

Stephen Rabley ...
Pearson Education (2008)
Penguin Books (1998-2000)
Longman (1991-1994)
Penguin Readers (1991)
Wydane w seriach:
Easy Starts
Penguin Readers
0-582-06075-3, 978-0-582-40173-0
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This volume is part of a series of original stories specially written for beginners. The stories are considered particularly suitable for students starting English at their lower secondary school. They are also designed to encourage students of a wide range to develop a taste for reading for pleasure. "Easystarts" encompass a variety of settings and situations. The language of each story is written simply and naturally and each page features a colour illustration which forms an integral part of the story-telling process. There are also questions, puzzles and classroom ideas at the back of each book. Marcel is a French mouse and a detective. One evening he visits his frien Celine at the Louvre. There he witnesses the theft of a famous painting - the Mona Lisa. Marcel travels all the way to Venice and risks his life to get the painting back again.
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Autorzy:Stephen Rabley Inga Moore
Ilustracje:Inga Moore
Wydawcy:Pearson Education (2008) Penguin Books (1998-2000) Longman (1991-1994) Penguin Readers (1991)
Serie wydawnicze:Easy Starts Penguin Readers
ISBN:0-582-06075-3 978-0-582-40173-0 978-1-4058-8064-0
Autotagi:beletrystyka druk epika książki literatura literatura piękna literatura stosowana opowiadania proza zbiory opowiadań
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