The third twin

Ken Follett
Wyd. w latach:
1996 - 2012
Wydane w seriach:
A Fawcett Crest Book
0-449-22742-1, 0-449-22761-8
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The third twin could be your lover, your friend ...or your killer. In the course of her work, scientist Jeannie Ferrami stumbles across a baffling mystery: Steve and Dan appear to be identical twins, but were born on different days, to different mothers. A law student and a convicted murderer, they seem a world apart, but as Jeannie begins to fall in love with Steve, she finds her professional - and personal - future threatened. Steve is accused of a terrible crime, and Jeannie is forced to question just how different the two men really are. Together, she and Steve investigate the mystery and uncover all the secrets. But perhaps some secrets are best left alone ...A thrilling, chilling story of hidden evil, set at the forefront of modern technology, The Third Twin is a heart-stopping, spine-tingling story from master of suspense, Ken Follett.
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Inne tytuły:Trzeci bliźniak [a novel of suspense] [książka w j. ang.]
Autor:Ken Follett
Wydawcy:Ballantine Books (1997-2012) BDJ (1997) Fawcett Crest (1997) Pan Books (1996-1997) Crown Publishers (1996) Random House
Serie wydawnicze:A Fawcett Crest Book
ISBN:0-449-22742-1 0-449-22761-8 978-0-330-34837-9
Autotagi:beletrystyka druk epika książki literatura literatura piękna powieści proza
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