Major Barbara

George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950) ...
Wyd. w latach:
1945 - 9879
Wydane w seriach:
Penguin classics
9783985948611, 0-140-43790-8
dokumenty elektroniczne
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Major Barbara Bernard Shaw - Fabian socialist and ardent proselytizer, George Bernard Shaw viewed his role as a playwright as far more than that of an entertainer. His audiences heard fully articulated sermons on moral and economic issues, a potentially dry theatrical experience enlivened by Shaw's genius for creating vital characters and scintillating dialogue. Major Barbara offers a sparkling example of its author's unique gift for presenting social theories in an engaging format.The eponymous heroine, an officer in the Salvation Army, is the daughter of Andrew Undershaft, a wealthy armaments manufacturer. When the Army accepts donations from Undershaft and a whiskey distiller, whose money Barbara regards as tainted, she resigns in disgust, but eventually sees the truth of her father's reasoning that social iniquity derives from poverty; it is only through accumulating wealth and power that people can help each other.

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Autorzy:George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950) Elizabeth T. Forter
Wstęp:A. C. Ward
Wydawcy:Penguin Books (1945-9879) Avia-Artis (2021) Phoemixx Classics Ebooks (2021) ebookpoint BIBLIO (2021) Legimi (2018-2021) Interactive Media (2018) Longmans Green and Co (1958) Państwowy Instytut Wydawniczy (1955) Longmas Gren and co LTD
Serie wydawnicze:Penguin classics
ISBN:9783985948611 0-140-43790-8 978-83-8226-590-3
Autotagi:dokumenty elektroniczne dramat druk e-booki literatura literatura piękna zasoby elektroniczne
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