Advanced fitness assessment and exercise prescription

Dale R. Wagner
Vivian H. Heyward
Ann L. Gibson
Human Kinetics (2019)
Źródło opisu: Biblioteka Akademii Bialskiej im. Jana Pawła II - Katalog księgozbioru

Advanced Fitness Assessment and Exercise Prescription, Eighth Edition, is structured around five physical fitness components: cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular fitness (strength, endurance, and power), body composition, flexibility, and balance. The text begins with an overview of physical activity, health, and chronic disease, including a discussion of preliminary health screening and risk classification. It then leads into field and laboratory assessment and testing protocols, followed by prescription guidelines for designing exercise programs to improve each fitness component. Readers will find the latest information on maximal and submaximal graded exercise testing in healthy populations, as well as muscular fitness testing protocols and norms for children and adults. Each chapter begins with key questions to help readers focus on essential information. Sidebars lend practical insight to the content. Key points, review questions, and key terms reinforce concepts and summarize chapter content for better retention. An instructor guide, test package, chapter quizzes, and presentation package plus image bank provide tools for instructors to use for lecture preparation, creative content delivery, and class assessment. The online video clips, newly revised for the eighth edition, further aid student comprehension of the material and provide instructors an additional tool for classroom demonstration.
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