It starts with us

Colleen Hoover
Aleksandra Żak
Wydawnictwo Otwarte (2022-2023)
Simon Schuster (2022-2023)
Atria Paperback (2022)
Wydane w seriach:
It End with Us series
It ends with us
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4.5 (6 głosów)

Lily and Ryle have just settled into a civil co-parenting rhythm with their daughter, Emerson, when Lilly suddenly runs into Atlas nearly two years after they last spoke. Elated that the timing finally seems to be right to give what they have together a real chance, Atlas asks Lily on a date. But her excitement is almost immediately replaced by dread and anxiety when Lily remembers that Ryle is still very much part of her life. And though Ryle would dislike Lily dating anyone but him, Atlas Corrigan is the one man he absolutely will not stand having in his ex-wife and daughter's lives. Told from the perspective of Lily and Atlas, this time readers are given a deeper look into his past as he and Lily reconnect and rekindle the love they shared as teenagers while navigating a volatile ex-husband who believes Atlas to be one of the reasons his marriage with Lily ended.
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